Acts & Regulations

A list of the Acts and Regulations which govern the funeral directing and embalming professions.

Applications and professional information

All professional information and forms can now be reviewed and downloaded on this web site. If you have any problems, please contact the office.

CEC Information

Please see our list of pre-approved continuing education credits, including courses available on-line.


Important information and resources for funeral professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

Provincial Licensing Requirements

The Province of Nova Scotia regulates and oversees the licensing of funeral directors and embalmers. The Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral Directors is responsible for the licenses issued in Nova Scotia. We provide this overview of provincial licensing requirements to assist those entering the profession. This overview is also for those currently working in the field but wish to obtain additional funeral service licenses or required continuing education hours of study. Please review the Regulations in the link below for further specifications on licensing requirements and additional applications and policies related to being licensed in Nova Scotia.


Regulations and licensing

Policies and guidelines

Application for licensing - funeral director and embalmer

Application for licensing - apprentice funeral director and embalmer