February 11, 2022
Effective, Monday, February 14, 2022, there will be a change to Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines. Funerals, visitations, and receptions can have up to 50% of the venue’s capacity for those services with proof of full vaccination. Masks are still required, as is social distancing, regardless of vaccination status. This applies to indoor and outdoor services. Funerals without proof of full vaccination can have 25 people present, plus funeral home staff and clergy.
This information is quoted below and can be found at the following link to Nova Scotia’s Covid-19 website:
If you have additional questions, or require further clarification, please contact Public Health at covid19info@novascotia.ca
“Weddings and funerals (including visitation and receptions) hosted by a business or organization - 50% of the venue’s capacity (indoor and outdoor) with social distancing and masks. Congregational singing is permitted with mask requirements. Live music is permitted with musicians following the performing arts gathering limit. Wearing a mask is required when performing (except when you're singing or playing a wind instrument). Musicians need to maintain a minimum physical distance of 2 metres (6 feet) from others when they’re singing or playing a wind instrument. Masks are recommended for choirs.
Funeral services hosted by a business or organization (indoor and outdoor) can have up to 25 people plus the person conducting the ceremony and funeral home staff without proof of full vaccination. Masks are required (indoor and outdoor). Receptions and visitation are only permitted with proof of vaccination.
Masks, social distancing, testing and self-isolation
Masks - Mask requirements for indoor public places and public transportation remain in place.
Social distancing - Social distancing requirements for businesses, services and gatherings remain in place.
Proof of full vaccination
You need proof of full vaccination to participate in discretionary, non-essential events and activities that gather people together (like going to restaurants, movies, sports events, theatre performances, social events and the gym). Proof of vaccination isn’t required for children 11 and younger (they can attend events and activities with a fully vaccinated adult). Learn more: what’s considered fully vaccinated.”
December 21, 2021
Effective 6:00 a.m., December 22, 2021 new restrictions will come into place to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. These restrictions include:
December 17, 2021
Restrictions have been updated province-wide effective today, with changes to the gathering limits for funeral services, visitations, and receptions:
"Weddings, funerals and faith gatherings (including receptions and visitation) hosted by a business or organization - 50% of the venue’s capacity up to 150 people indoors and up to 250 people outdoors with social distancing and mask requirements.
There is no 'flow through' of attendees permitted for these services.
The previous restriction for unvaccinated individuals remains in effect at this time:
Funeral services hosted by a business or organization (indoors and outdoors) can have up to 25 people plus the person conducting the ceremony and funeral home staff without proof of vaccination. Masks are required (indoors and outdoors). Receptions and visitation are not permitted.
Please monitor restrictions and guidelines as the situation remains fluid and may change at any time. The full list of restrictions and guidelines can be found here.
December 3, 2021
Restrictions continue to change and develop. Please see the link below to the Government of Nova Scotia Covid-19 website.
Proof of vaccines are required for all funerals, receptions, and visitiations except in the circumstance listed below:
Funeral services hosted by a business or organization (indoors and outdoors) can have up to 25 people plus the person conducting the ceremony and funeral home staff without proof of vaccination. Masks are required (indoors and outdoors). Receptions and visitation are not permitted.
Funeral services, visitation and receptions hosted by a business or organization (indoors and outdoors) with proof of vaccination don’t have a gathering limit but need to follow the COVID-19 Protocol for Proof of Full Vaccination for Events and Activities (PDF).
The full Proof of Vaccination Policy can be found here.