Acts & Regulations

A list of the Acts and Regulations which govern the funeral directing and embalming professions.

Applications and professional information

All professional information and forms can now be reviewed and downloaded on this web site. If you have any problems, please contact the office.

CEC Information

Please see our list of pre-approved continuing education credits, including courses available on-line.


Important information and resources for funeral professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

How to File a Complaint

How to File a Complaint

The Nova Scotia Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral Directors (N.S.B.R.E.F.D) or the "Board" is empowered by the Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act (the "Act") to consider and investigate complaints regarding the conduct or actions of any person licensed pursuant to the Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act and Regulations.
The Board has the authority to define what constitutes incompetence and misconduct of Embalmers and Funeral Directors. They have established procedures to deal with complaints from fellow practitioners. More importantly, the Board has an obligation to the public. It is part of their mandate to hear and, if deemed warranted through the review of evidence, take action concerning complaints from consumers or family members. The board will accept and investigate complaints based on the Acts and Regulations that govern the profession. Complaints must be within the Board's scope under the Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act or Regulations to address the complaint and must be received within 18 months from the date of the alleged offence that was non-complaint with the Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act or Regulations. If a complaint is not under the Board's scope, but is under another government body, the Board will forward the complaint to proper authority.
Complaints must be made in writing, include the required complaint form, and sent to the Nova Scotia Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral Directors at or by mail.
The Executive Manager will ask the complainant if they have already contacted the funeral services business in an attempt to resolve their complaint. If not, this will be suggested as the first course of action.
If the complainant is unwilling or unable to proceed with this request, or the complaint has not been resolved to their satisfaction, the Executive Manager will bring it to the attention of the Board Executive for review.
A complainant will also be asked for permission to include their name and letter of complaint in any correspondence with the funeral services business name in the complaint.
The Board will notify the funeral services business of the complaint and ask for a written response. If a complaint is unsubstantiated, both the complainant and the  funeral services business will be notified of the result of the investigation.
If the Board of Directors finds that a contravention of the Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act or Regulations has occurred, the Chairperson of the Board will instruct the funeral services business to rectify the contravention or require the licensee to appear before the board to determine the future status of his or her license.
If an investigation/hearing produces any evidence that a criminal act has occurred or is occurring, the matter will immediately be referred to Service Nova Scotia Licensing Registrar and the Police/R.C.M.P Agency of jurisdiction.

We’re Here to Support You

The Board hopes we do not have any cases of negligence or unethical behavior of one of our own; yet we promise to take your complaint very seriously. 


If you have questions about the process of filing a complaint with a funeral home or licensee please contact Kortney Adams at The Nova Scotia Board of Registration will confirm receipt of your inquiry and provide follow up correspondence within 1 - 3 business days.